Sunday Chat

Coming home from our adventures in Virginia, the tomato plants were prolific in our absence. The day we left, I gave all I had at that time to my neighbor for her help watering my plants while we were gone. This basket was collected the day we got back, and a few went on salads for dinner the next evening. There are dozens more on the plants yet to come.

So I told you something fun happened while we were at the quaint little roadside motel in Luray. Looking down at the lovely row of flowers, I noticed something on the steps.

Look at that! A painted rock! Since I started doing these for putting around town here (see my post Hvl NC Rocks), I think I notice them more. Of course, I had to pick it up and look at the back.

Cute, isn’t it? On the back, the label said it came from Ohio! So it had already traveled quite a bit.

I brought it home, and decided to place it where it would most likely be found by someone out of our area. I picked the Waverly Inn in downtown Hendersonville.

I placed it on the steps, and right then a lady that works there came out to hang the ferns on the veranda. She was excited to get “rocked” as there had been an article in the local paper about it. I posted about finding it and bringing it home on the Ohio Rocks facebook group. Another member of the group commented that she had left it in Virginia Beach from Ohio, so it had already traveled quite a bit. I hope someone out of our area found it and will post its next destination.

Before our trip, I made a Spinach Bake to use up the last of the fresh spinach, onions, ricotta and mushrooms. This time it was a meatless main dish so we could polish it off before we left.

Mist on the mountains in the view from our veranda have been frequent this past week.

My avocado tree is getting really big! The spike dracaena is doing well, and the little one is growing well too. The Meyer Lemon I grew from seed is dying. I have no idea why, and this isn’t the first one that has failed. I got some seeds a few years back from Mary, but none have survived that long.

I needed a hat to wear while we were out walking, and I only wanted to take one. I have a lot of yellow, so I took my Hat Makeover that I originally did in red, and changed it to yellow and white.

You never know where you’ll find quilts. This charming display was in a breakfast cafe. The maker had placed quilt blocks in the panes of this old window frame. Charming, isn’t it?

Back at home, my Toad Lily is blooming! The flowers are small, about the size of a quarter in diameter.

It didn’t take Charlie long to figure out we were back and scam a meal.

I have lots to do this coming week, as I have to get all my State Fair entries in order. I need to print the photographs, finish covering up all my labels, write up my recipes and a few other details.

What are your plans for the week? Anything fun this weekend?

I just got a gift from Madam Sew of their new Rotary Cutters in three sizes, and they are now carrying 60mm replacement blades! I am really impressed with the design and quality of these cutters, with soft grips that are easy to hold and control.

It is the last few days to get two precuts books from It’s Sew Emma as they are the Fat Quarter Shop’s Books of the Month 30% off. Take 30% Off the Notion of the Month Aurifil threads and Aurifloss packs! Get 20% off the Basic of the Month, Kona Cotton Solids by Robert Kaufman. And while you are there, check out the Flash Sale, something new at clearance pricing everyday.

There are some amazing deals right now at the new Amazon Outlet. There’s pet food, dog toys, sports apparel, children’s clothing and toys, books and puzzles, garden tools, kitchen supplies, gourmet foods and lots more! Check it out. You know, the holidays are coming!

For the cardmakers in the audience, Impression Obsession has 25% Off their Featured Category until 8/30 of full card size background stamps.

C&T Publishing has added new books to their Sale Offers!

21 thoughts on “Sunday Chat

  1. karenfae

    how fun to know the history of the painted rock – I have never seen any but the ones you mention. My tomatoes are looking how they look if you normally let them go through a hot summer, kind of down barely green spots all over and do not want to seem to ripen! I’m ready to either give them a really good pruning and see if it will encourage them to produce more or pull them out

  2. Love your story about the rock! And the window frame with quilt blocks in it is such a fun idea. Glad you came home to more tomatoes. Mine are really starting to come in. Homegrown tomatoes are the best, aren’t they?

  3. Mary Ed Williams

    Lovely blog. What were the quilt blocks in the window frame, painted or on fabric? I have an old frame that I need to find a use for – heaven forbid I would throw it away!
    And yes Diann, homegrown ‘maters are far and away the best. Store-bought taste the same as the box they came in.
    Mary Ed

  4. the rock story is a fun thing to do. I should try this even though I don’t do much traveling.
    The task for the next few day is the Storm coming. Almost a Cat 5…not good. Prayers !

  5. Happy Sunday. Certainly a nice chat this morning. That rock certainly has traveled. I guess you could call it a “Road Rock” as it appears to be on a fun road trip adventure.

  6. Julie

    I think the tiny toads I’m finding outside this summer would be right at home under your Toad Lily. We’re very careful when we go outside to make sure we don’t hurt any of the tiny tots. The quilt window is lovely, a nice way to showcase some orphans. The tomatoes look delicious, they’d be good with a spinach bake.

  7. Phyllis Smith

    Happy morning to you, Love the white and yellow theme and the daffodils. The window pane with the quilted squares is so adorable, would be so sweet in a sewing room or a little girls room that is learning to sew. Found some more tomato pie recipes on my and parmesan-buttermilk pie crust to bake it in and another shortcut southern tomato pie, Roasted tomato soup with cheddar cheese. Also got a spaghetti with shrimp and roasted cherry tomatoes, these ought to keep me busy for awhile. Still trying to sort through all this crafting stuff but that is an ongoing chore for us gals isn’t it. Phyllis

  8. Joan Sheppard

    Are you sure there is only one of you? You do the job of a platoon! Loved the casserole! Used the toaster oven in the garage so I didn’t heat the house! Mist in the mountains looks so ethereal! Thanks

  9. Rita C.

    It’s fun to see how those rocks travel. And I love to see quilting just about anywhere. If it can’t be whole, the craftier, the better. Have a good week. We’re in for lots of post-tropical rain, but my thoughts and prayers are certainly with those in the direct path of Ida.

  10. I love the idea of repurposing the window frame with quilt blocks inside. Often I read about people trying to save a much beloved quilt that is beyond repair, and this seems like a viable solution. Sounds like you are having a lot of fun with your rock placement / collecting. It does go to show that people are out moving about the country. Stay safe in the storms.

  11. What a wonderful trip. I love that you found a rock. (For a minute I thought you were going to say you found one of yours!) That’s really such fun. A couple of years ago, a blogger/writer named Vivian Swift brought back a rock from Scotland and it made the rounds of all her blog buddies in the US and abroad and finally back to Scotland. It’s a fun thing to do. It looks like your holiday away was delightful. Well deserved — and now the work for the fair begins! Good luck!

  12. Sue

    Hi Carole, Love your Sun chat, always some great ideas! We get a kick out of our squirrel Percy, who goes head down into the metal tub of water set out for the deer as well as our bird bath. It has been so dry in the Inland NW with over 40 days of 90 degrees and very little rain. Finally cooling to the 70’s and 80’s, beautiful sunny days. My heart goes out to those experiencing fallout from IDA , we could sure use the rain here!
    Your rock story brought to mind a Netflix movie we recently rented, “The Long, Long Trailer” starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. 1954. My husband and I had both seen it as kids and remember her collecting rocks on their cross country honeymoon. A must see if you are a Lucy fan! My mom and us 6 kids used to walk 2 miles to our neighbor’s house on Wed. nites to watch I Love Lucy as we did not have a TV! Boy have times changed!

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