Sunday Stitching, Making Plans, and More Wildlife

Over the past few weeks, I’ve finished up all the Zoom contracts that I had for my Scrap Dancing program. On the last two, I mentioned that I would be doing a tutorial on Pin Weaving. I thought I could just link the Moda Bake Shop post, but their website update appears to have dropped older posts. So, I have pulled the photos from my original pattern, and this project will be coming this week. I’ll do a tutorial on pin weaving, then a second post will assemble this bag.

Out in the back, the rhododendrons are finally blooming, a bit late. One is pristine white.

Pollinators are abundant.

There is one that is a blush pink, very delicate color. It is looking a bit ragged, and I think it may be on its way out. We’ve already cut out a big section that died, and I fear the rest of the plant won’t survive much longer. Still, it bravely put out some blooms this year.

I have been trying to decide on my next project, and I think I’d like to do another miniature quilt. Want to quilt along? I’ve decided on one of the projects from Easy Paper Pieced Miniatures.

Looking out the window one morning, I saw a bachelor herd of deer crossing the meadow. There were five in all, one is out of the frame on the right, a bit behind the rest.

They are young, with small antlers growing. They stopped for a moment to graze.

Then they moved across the driveway and into the forest.

On the veranda, I turned my little wheelbarrow around so the spilling petunias could be enjoyed from the rockers. It has been so lovely in the evenings lately to sit and enjoy them, and the view.

I decided to do a bit of baking last weekend, and made a Vanilla Coffee Cake, it was supposed to be my Orange Vanilla Bean Coffee Cake recipe, but I forgot the orange, LOL!!

In the sewing room, I realized that the State Fair is now only 10 weeks away. While that sounds like a lot of time, I need to put sleeves on at least six quilts. Doing one a week will allow me to stretch out the sewing on this, instead of waiting until the last minute then frantically trying to get them done. I had to make a new one for Twist, as it is larger than any sleeve I have right now. It may take a couple of Sunday Slow Stitching days to get this one done.

I started on the Teacups Quilt. This one is small and didn’t take a long time.

Three more sleeves made, pinned to the quilts, are ready for hand sewing. I have a tutorial on Making Temporary Sleeves if you need to do this for your quilts too.

Sitting in my chair yesterday morning, I noticed some movement of the bird feeder pole outside. I like to watch the birds from that vantage point while I am doing other things, like hand sewing, working on embroidery or using my laptop. A baby bear was trying to jump up and get to the feeder. This was the only clear picture I was able to take of him. He is small, probably under 100 pounds. I made a bit of noise, and he ran off. Thankfully, I didn’t see his mom.

Moving on to the next sleeve, I have two now done. Four to go.

At least I think it is just four, LOL!! I don’t have all my plans made yet as to which quilts I’ll show this time. The fair didn’t go on last year, so I have two year’s worth of finishes to choose from. A couple of quilts that were quilted and bound recently, like Pachanga, I need to save for next year so I won’t finish the sleeves and labels until fall. I have two year’s worth of photos to go through as well, and the limit is still just five, so hard choices to come. There are no categories for painted rocks or paper crafts, so I might not have much to submit in crafts this year. I am working on the cooking contest ideas too. I think I’ll enter my tomato pie in the Tomato competition.

Are you working on sewing or hand work projects? What are you doing this week? Have you ever entered your State Fair competitions?

Linking up with Slow Sunday Stitching.

21 thoughts on “Sunday Stitching, Making Plans, and More Wildlife

  1. Nancy Bekedam

    Love seeing the wildlife, especially seeing them return to the wild to eat!!! You have a beautiful spot to hand stitch from.

  2. Linda B

    We are in a hot humid rainy pattern here…no porch sitting for us these days. Have been wanting to reproduce a lovely worn-out quilt my Grandmother gave me years ago, and got started on it. An interesting exercise for me to be making the pattern myself. My plan is to use it as a leader-ender project once I get the cutting done. And have four mini tops to quilt. Looking forward to having the bindings to do as hand work. Your mini project sounds interesting!

  3. karenfae

    it is always amazing how much wild life you have and here I have a forest right behind me and I rarely see more than a deer or two and not very often.

  4. We have deer in our neighbourhood too, but no bears, thankfully! Your rhododendrons are gorgeous! I have quilts that need sleeves too. Good luck with your state fair competitions. I have never entered anything in a local fair.

  5. I love your sighting of the deer! They look much more at home and in the appropriate place than the one in our yard last weekend! Now the baby bear – not so much… Glad you didn’t see the mama either. Sounds like you’re making good progress on those quilt sleeves, and with ideas for your fair entries. That’s something I’ve never done, although I have enjoyed going out to our fairgrounds and walking through the displays. I’m not sure yet what I’ll work on today – maybe try to finish up the quilting on my string quilt.

  6. Phyllis Smith

    Good morning, Well things have gone sour for us here. My youngest that just turned 56 on the 22 fell down our basement stairs and is hurt pretty bad. He hit his head and did some damage to the top 2 disc in his neck Thank God I was in the Livingroom and heard him falling and got to him in time to help him. I asked him where he was hurting the most and he said his neck and right arm I called 911 right then, fear hit me I could lose him The ambulance and fire truck came and took him to Fayette Piedmont but they said he needed to go to the trauma unit at Grady so they took him up there and the outcome was they kept him overnight and do an MRI on him this morning so we are till waiting to hear something. He was in a neck brace when we got to grady yesterday after noon. Wendell, his brother and I stayed till late with him and he was moving around and talking we are hope full for good report As you can guess I want be doing very much sewing till he recovers enough that I will be taking care of him. Loved the pictures of the deer and glad you headed for cover. Mama bear was close by I bet. I have wanted to get some rhododendrons are so pretty and the purple petunias are pretty to .I bought some one time and had they on the front floor board and I noticed a strange smell And figured out it was them o I haven’t bought any more since. Well best go and empty the dish washer and wash some towels and bed sheets. Have a terrific day, Phyllis

  7. Julie

    Cute teenage deer. Guess that bear is at the naughty toddler age since he wasn’t in Mama’s sight.

  8. Donna

    Love your wildlife photos! I can’t imagine having bears that close! Good luck on your fair entries!

  9. Elaine Nemeth

    .love the tomato pie idea. I have been doing 1/2 pints of pizza sauce. You do have to add paste to get the sauce thicker. But what a treat.

  10. Submitting items in your State Fair sounds wonderful, choices to be made, categories to be studied. Oh dear, a bear cub in the garden, much more dangerous than deer and turkeys!

  11. Cathie J

    I don’t think our local fair is running this year. I need to check again though. I love that you reuse some of the hanging sleeves. What a great idea. I love the photos of the deer. Your petunias are very pretty. Your cake looks yummy.

  12. Wow! I’m so impressed you enter things in the fair! I don’t think I’ve ever been to a fair — certainly not a state one. I hope you win and win big! It all looks delightful (Except the bear – that’s a little creepy!) That coffee cake sounds delish!

  13. Oh yes… the dreaded sewing of the sleeves!
    I love the fall fairs here but we didn’t have them last year, and this year most are already cancelled. It will be wonderful when we can do this again, and I’ll be sewing on sleeves myself!

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