Blue Ridge Drive

DH and I will be leading a drive for the car club in a couple of weeks, so we needed to drive the route ahead of time to be sure it is still a good route.  Roads have a way of closing when you aren’t prepared from winter rock slides.  So, we got on the Blue Ridge Parkway and headed north towards the Black Mountains.  I think there is beauty in the architecture of the bare tree limbs, especially with a clear blue sky behind.

Black Mountains snow 4

My new camera takes great shots on the move. In the distance, you can see a part of the Black Mountain range covered with snow at the top. Can you see the white in the picture below? That is snow, not clouds.

Black Mountains snow 3

Along the parkway, snow is still clinging to the ground.

Black Mountains snow 9

We turned off the parkway before we could get closer, but I managed one last photo of the distant mountain snow.

Black Mountains snow 2

Arriving home, the garden is starting to emerge. The irises are starting to poke up in their new bed.

Iris Feb 2016 - 1

The tulips are starting to come up too.

Tulips Feb 2016 - 2

A surprise in the hosta bed, my little clump of crocus have come up.  They’ll open up in a day or two.

Crocus March 2016

One little squash plant remains in my seed starting pots. The others withered and I don’t know why.

Garden Feb 21 - 3

The herbs are doing good though!

Garden Feb 21 - 2

Garden Feb 21 - 1

The amaryllis is almost two feet tall! It is going to bloom for the third year, and I am thrilled. This was the plant a week ago.

Amaryllis Feb 20 - 2

Now the flower bud is beginning to open.

Amaryllis 2-27-16

I adore white flowers, and I couldn’t resist this hyacinth. Of course, the bulb vase was a nice extra.

Hyacinth 1

My farmer’s almanac says that March is a good time to plant root crops and leafy vegetables on the 23-27th.  Maybe I’ll try to grow some more lettuce this year, and perhaps some carrots.  I just hope the bears stay out of them.

What are you planning for your garden this year?

10 thoughts on “Blue Ridge Drive

  1. Brenda

    NC is beautiful. Thanks for the pictures. And flowers and gardening are favorites. What kind Of cars are in club. My husband has a Miarta

  2. Cindy M

    Such a beautiful part of our great country! This was one of my most memorable rides in my life:) 45 years ago (age 14) I went on a trip with family, NJ to NC, and I still remember being awed by the beauty along the Blue Ridge Parkway… The views of the mountains were stupendous! My sister lives in NC so I have hope that I’ll once again make this ride, this time with camera in hand!

  3. After that ride through the Blue Ridge Parkway, wasn’t it nice to see those bits of spring beginning at home? I have an amaryllis that is not cooperating at all this year! We have had some daffodils bloom early this year, which is not surprising as our winter has been quite easy in Delaware.

  4. Deanna Bishop

    Good Morning. I didnt know there was Black Mountains. Ive heard of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I got Brenda and her husband both an Amarillys for Christmas. Brendas bloomed twice but her husbands still hasnt bloomed. But its growing nicely. We have iris’s that are popping out of the soil and a bunch of tulips my daughter planted last year. We dont have any daffodils but they are all over town and are just beautiful to look at.

  5. Sharon Schipper

    Oh wow! around here we feel like Mother Nature is fooling us, and we’ll get all springy and get dumped on! in high altitudes we all want to put out the tomatoes in April or May, and then lose them to a frost the first week of June….
    We were accepted for a house offer. Further commute than I wanted, due to Denver high prices, it’s ridiculous. Nice back yard, some lilacs out front, but not much else, the trees are all the neighbors! Closing April 8, so I can get some stuff in I think, I want some raised beds for squash and peppers, and some container tomatoes for the front porch (south facing) We’ll see! important part, I have 1100 sq feet of my own, with small bedroom, bath and laundry room, and the rest about 750 sq feet for my studio/living room! Not sure about room for a long arm, but we’ll see when I get there!

    I’m wondering if there are some hidden bulbs in that yard that we will be surprised by, hope so! my old house had red and yellow tulips and grape hyacinths, and Shasta daisies that surprised us, and true pelargonium geraniums, the mounding type with small lavendar flowers…. sigh

    sharon in colorado

  6. Good Morning Carole! Love your pictures! My iris’ seem to really like their new home also, they are looking so healthy and strong this year for the first time since we planted them here. I also seem to have found the perfect places for my Day Lilies. I have them in two different spots close to the trailor where they get about half sun, half shade. Plus, my Naked Ladies have been making babies and I have about a dozen more showing this spring. They are so beautiful. I am going to give a couple to my mother this year. I have not made it to any of the nurseries to start planning what new bulbs I would like to try this year. I always plant quite a few packages of Wildflower seeds and Marigolds. Zinnias and Daisies are another seed I would like to get this year. Maybe later on today, since we are going to be in town, we could go to the nursery and I could get a few starts.

    Working on a baby quilt today along with reorganizing my craft room today! Seems I have been having to do that quite often lately. Oh well, I have a blast with all of my projects and cleaning up every so often only takes a short time. I hope that you have a fantastic creative day!

  7. Thanks for sharing your lovely drive. We were on the Parkway in December, but we haven’t been back since. I haven’t walked through our little flower garden because I’m rather dreading the resumption of the war on wisteria. There are daffodils in Waynesville with swelling buds. It won’t be long!

  8. Rosemaryflower

    Nice pictures.
    I love the Blue Ridge Mountains. A nice road trip in Virginia.
    So I hope the trip is good to go.
    We have had an easy winter, really
    Your gardens are just a bit further along than ours.

    This year it will be more of the same….. lawn service 😛
    but they just mow, and they use small mowers, we won’t allow the big heavy guys on our lawn and we gave a trustworthy company. but hubbs and I are still keeping the gardens up and that is it.
    I want to rip out all of my iris and give it away, lol
    My hubbs is a direct relation to the Otwell Iris farm in Illinois.
    I do not have an iris farm but what I do have is too much and I do not really like iris that much haha
    I would really like to rip it all out and plant sand cherries all along that 30 foot patch
    I would do it in a heart beat.

  9. dezertsuz

    Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing your drive. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on that highway. Have a great time with your car club.

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