Thinking of You Cards

Several people I know are having some health challenges facing chemo, rehab or surgery.  I wanted to send just a Thinking Of You card with best wishes for a speedy recovery, or just a message of support.  So, I got out my stamping stuff and got creating.

Thinking of You cards 1

My friend, Carol W, gave me a card she stamped, and I was inspired by her embossing.  No, it wasn’t my birthday, she gave me the card to use for someone else.  I plan to give it to my boss next month, as Carol knows her.

Carol W's card

I don’t have an embossing tool or machine, so I improvised. I got out my rolling wheel, loaded it with the filigree wheel and navy ink, and began rolling rows of curly-cues. I start with one on an angle, and then roll more from there to the right.

Thinking of You cards 2

Then I turn the paper around and roll the other end.

Thinking of You cards 3

I did two full sheets so I could get four cards at one time.  This one I messed up a bit, but that can be the back side, LOL!

Thinking of You cards 4

I am still using these beautiful handmade papers sparingly that I got from fellow blogger Kathy in Ozarks. I tore some strips using my deckle edge tearing tool.

Thinking of You cards 5

I punched out some scallop rounds in two sizes for an accent. As I lay out the elements, I thought about using the long strip of off-white for the Thinking of You stamp, but decided it would cover up the handmade paper too much.

Thinking of You cards 6

With the design settled, assembly began. I glued the handmade paper strips down first.

Thinking of You cards 7

I stamped a pansy on the off-white scallop rounds to mount on top of the larger green scallop rounds.

Thinking of You cards 8

All put together.

Thinking of You cards 9

Inside two of them, I stamped Get Well Soon with a butterfly. The other two I left blank to write a personal message.

Thinking of You cards 10

Because I have a hard time leaving well enough alone, I stamped the envelope too.

Thinking of You cards 12

All done now.

Thinking of You cards 13

I just need to add a personal line or two, and address them.

Thinking of You cards 11

I know I rely on email as much as anyone, but there is just nothing to compare to a heart felt message sent by snail mail to let others know you are thinking of them.  Do you still send snail mail?

Sharing with the fun parties on my sidebar, and…

Le Challenge – Round

Rooted In Thyme . Pieced Pastimes . FoodieFriday

31 thoughts on “Thinking of You Cards

  1. Gail Rachow

    Ver nicely done. Cards and letter writing is becoming a lost art. Receiving something handmade is sure to lift the spirit of your friends. Thanks for sharing your process..

  2. Lesley Gilbert

    Lovely cards. My daughter makes cards and has an embossing machine, so I’ll share your link so she can see what you have made 🙂

  3. I never use snail mail, but I try to lavish love on people with words. I am as untalented as you are brilliant. I love looking at your projects, though. Maybe I appreciate your art more because I can’t do it.

  4. Sharon Schipper

    Holidays, birthdays, yes, snail mail I still use! but I tell you, someone is always asking to buy a stamp from me, it seems I may be the only person around who buys stamps anymore!! Love getting thank you cards especially when we’ve worked on a heart felt quilt!
    Have you tried making your own recycled paper? I had a friend who did calligraphy who did that, fairly simple, old blender, paper she shredded, and a screen! I saved up nicer paper for her, NOT junk mail and newspaper definitely! Junk mail cards are for our hexie papers! hee hee


  5. Mildred Plaskett

    Beautiful cards, nice work. I still use snail mail. When I had Breast Cancer 13 yrs. ago and going through radiation treatment it brighten my day to receive a Thinking of You/Get Well card. Keep doing it!

  6. Melanie

    I do send cards, and even letters, still to this day. When I receive one of these treasures, it is truly special because the sender has put extra time and love into it. Your cards are beautiful, made with love, and the recipient will appreciate the care that goes into it. Making and sending real cards seems to be a lost art these days; keep on making them, Carole! :o)

  7. Good Morning Carole! Your cards are very pretty and will mean a lot to the people who receive them; especially because you took the time to make and create them yourself! I do not send cards or letters very often, I use the phone or email. Yet, since discovering that I can hand embroider a design and then stitch or glue it to card stock I have made a few and it is quite fun to do. Plus it feels nice to make it for someone special and hopefully the person receiving it will feel a bit brighter and better for awhile also. Thank you for sharing and have a fantastic creative day!

  8. catsandroses

    Beautiful cards by Carol & Carole! I do still send out quite a few cards, though they’re not handmade. I have lots of stamps, paper stock and recently bought a paper punch at a thrift store for $3 with a dial that punches out six different shapes (one of them is a cat, how could I resist?!) so I’m hoping to get crafty and make a few cards myself. Your designs are truly inspiring and no doubt loved by the recipients!

  9. Barbara Jenkins

    I still send out cards and notes but not as often as I should . Thank you for the reminder!!!!
    Your cards are beautiful.

  10. liz brown

    Snail mail is great for cards. I love sending cards to my Grandson. I have not made many cards, but I have a lot of supplies. Thanks for the design idea.

  11. Rosemaryflower

    Wait a minute, You forgot to put the stamp on the back “Affectionately Handmade By Crafty Carole”
    I do like to send snail mail because it is fun to put a personal touch on heartfelt communication.

  12. Trudi

    I love your card.

    My two daughters and I also make cards and do scrapbooking – well, they have done a few scrapbooks, I am still pondering. When I make a card for someone, I always make two identical ones, one to send and one to keep as a record of what I have made. I do a lot of layering using scrapbooking papers as a backdrop to stamped designs – oh what choices! I also do a lot of colouring in, using a range of media, but especially Copic markers.

    I have also played with impasto for creating texture on cardstock. The Australian company Kaisercraft (which sells in the USA) has a range of template designs for using impasto.

    For cutting I have one of the original Cricut cutters, which has been rarely used in recent years and a Sizzix. I love that I can used the Sizzix for cutting and embossing papers and cardstock – I even cut and assembled 3-dimensional reindeers a couple of Christmases ago, but also that I can use it with fabric dies for cutting a range of shapes for quilting.

  13. Jennie Rauch

    Ohboy do I still send snail mail! Nothing like a handwritten note in the mailbox. . . but I’m not too confident designing my own cards. Impressed with your combo. . . and where does one get a deckle edge ruler? Five friends & I made paper last fall, but since we don’t all live in the same city, haven’t done anything with it yet. The ruler would help us get the rugged look we want but still consistent. And I have the rolly thing, don’t know how to use it so coverage continues over the whole piece of paper. Ideas???

  14. dezertsuz

    I do sometimes send real mail. I like your cards. I follow Heather North’s site and am always amazed at her gorgeous cards. The CASE idea really appeals to me. All I need to do is carve out time from somewhere!

  15. Beautiful, beautiful!! I love to see the process of how something so lovely comes together. Seeing these is a treat and has inspired me to try the same, especially if I see some stamps in a thrift shop to spur my creativity while staying within my budget. 🙂 Handmade cards are extra special and yes, I do send regular mail and cards for those occasions when nothing else will do.

  16. Carole,
    Lovely Thinking Of You Cards, dear one!!!
    This past week, I listened to a Cancer survivor speak.
    One thing that she urged us to do was to send “cards” to someone we know with Cancer!!!
    She told us how very precious each and every card sent to her was!!!
    I, too, make handmade cards with a vintage flair!!!
    Thank you for inspiring me to get into Studio One, soon!!!

  17. How lovely! You are very talented – those cards turned out beautifully and how special for someone to get a handmade card from you. I just “snail mailed” two cards yesterday and I agree, it’s wonderful to get something in the mail besides bills!

  18. I am SO GLAD I checked out your blog this morning. I have been needing to go BUY a thank you card, totally forgetting that I have all that card-making stuff in my attic from years ago. I will get it out and MAKE a thank you card today. I need to send YOU one! (-;
    Hugs, Joy

  19. lisa @stylesofcooking

    I have never made homemade cards and am totally in awe of people that do. Your cards are lovely and mean so much more because your heart went into creating them. Popping by from simple and sweet fridays and thank you for taking the time to pop by my blog and leave a comment.

  20. Carole, Hi, I love these cards you have made. (I saw your note about my email. Try LyndaMOtvos at gmail dot com–that one is the one I use now after yahoo went hack-crazy.) Your creativity inspires me to try a bit of paper fun too. I bet combined with fabric there are millions of cool ways to be idea-rich; yarn too would be an element that could be attractive too…

    You’ve given me lots to think on and let ferment. Thanks.

  21. emmajones1972

    Such sweet cards. I had a time a couple of years ago when I was really poorly, and the cards I received I still have. They bought me a lot of comfort.

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