Having Some Fun Safely Social

Finding ways to have some fun these days is more of a challenge. When you cannot have sew days with friends at home, or retreats in lovely Victorian homes over a weekend, then next best thing is a sew day at home with friends attending online. The wonderful thing is this would not be possible without the internet. Eight of us attended an all day sewing marathon last Saturday from all over the US and Canada! Three of us live in North Carolina, but we don’t live near enough to be in the same guild. Then we had four more states plus British Columbia, Canada represented!! Four time zones meant early starts for those in the west, but we waited to do show and tell until we all were online.

We chatted while we sewed, and there were times where the only sound was the whirring of sewing machines. It was fun to have a question asked and then hear our different experiences. We talked about all kinds of things from books and movies, to plans for continuing quarantines, our best retreat memories, and so much more. Just so much fun, and we all got a lot done! Having a dedicated sew day was not only productive, but inspiring. There will be more of these, as I need them to keep me connected.

There are still spaces available in my Scrap Dancing Zoom class coming after Christmas. It would be a fun way to get inspired for the new year. Scrap Dancing has free patterns and ideas to use up the bits and pieces left over from other projects. Topics covered include scrap saving systems, color matching, small projects up to larger projects with many ideas for gift sewing, home decor and more, featuring my Scrap Dance pattern line. This program will primarily cover cotton quilting fabrics, small projects and improv ideas. The class runs a bit over an hour.  Sign up with this link –Scrap Dancing 12/30, class cost $10.

Scrap Dancing is also available as a program for guilds at a very reasonable cost. See the Zoom Class Page for more information and a form for contacting me to schedule.

What are you doing for fun these days?

16 thoughts on “Having Some Fun Safely Social

  1. Julie

    I saw all the cute photos but don’t know enough of the grown up faces to match anyone. It’s a really cute idea. There were three kindergarten teachers at our elementary school & they added their own photos to the wall with all the students. One of them joked you could tell she was the oldest, her photo was black & white.

  2. Rhonda Pecenka

    I’m still working on skinning that quilt, I’m close to finishing. I nicked the back more than a few times but I’m getting better. Don’t have a scalpel so using a seam ripper and that’s probably not the best. My sister loves the mask I made for her during the retreat and my husband’s flannel quilt is already become a favorite for him and the dogs.

  3. Mary Ed Williamd

    Three of the ladies are from my guild, Durham-Orange Quilters, and two others are joining the Dec class. I will ask another friend today.

  4. Sherril McGann

    The retreat was a great inspiration to spend the day sewing! I was able to get the blocks for a lap sized quilt almost pieced. I actually spent an hour after the retreat and now just have to assemble the quilt top. I didn’t know any of the other quilters but quilters are kindred spirits and we had great fun.

  5. Patricia Evans

    I bet you had a lot of fun. I downloaded Zoom last week (I’m technologically deficient) to use for a telemedicine follow-up visit with the oral surgeon, only to discover that the camera on my Chromebook isn’t functioning.

  6. Rita C.

    So great, Carole! Did one of you have a business account with Zoom that allowed for that all-day event? The throwback photos are terrific. I have no clue which one you are, but that’s a fun idea!

  7. Melanie

    I think all of the pictures and all of the ladies in your group are adorable, including you! My guess is that you are the tapper. Such cute pictures, and what fun you had during your sew day!

  8. The sewing day looks fun and a great way to reach out to our Worldwide Community. We use Zoom for some small group meetings at Church. I’m not sure I know any quilters who use it – I should ask in my local quilt group (we haven’t met in person since March 😦 ).

  9. Phyllis Smith

    Hi Carole. What a wonderful way to make new friends, I’m not set up to do a lot the things you participate in but I have my hands full just doing what I can now. I really enjoy talking to the Linus group when we meet to gather our work for the month, we wear our masks and share things we want to get rid of, so I’m happy doing that plus I get to decide what I can share with them as we find out what they may be needing. Having different countries sounds wonderful and you probably learn a lot of things to try that new. Have fun with the new group and looking forward to the new things you will be sharing. You are so great at doing that and you will be blessed for it. Bye for now Phyllis

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