Teacups Quilt Along – Block 15

Time for Block 15 for the Teacups Quilt Along, and this month we go back once again to a paper pieced block.  I’ve simplified one from EQ8 to eliminate a lot of tiny pieces on the handle.  You can do this with traditional piecing too, by cutting apart the pieces and adding seam allowances.

So, let’s begin by printing the pattern, and cutting the major sections apart.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

I wanted to fussy cut my teacup print, so I used a door as a lightbox.  Hint, if you do this, be sure your print is wrong side up, as this is piece #1.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

Construct the three sections using the paper pieced method or traditional piece method.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

Attach the pieces together.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

Then add a 2-1/2 to 3 inch border all the way around.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

Using your large square-up ruler, place the 8-1/2-inch points at an angle.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

Cut the first two sides, then flip it around and cut the other two at 8-1/2-inches.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

The angle is opposite the other block we set on an angle, with the left side lower for balance.  You will have a large open area at the top for embroidery.  Add whatever you like.  I’ve given some suggestions on the pdf printout, use a poem or a tea word like herbal or chamomile.

Teacups QA at FromMyCarolinaHome.com

I was not able to get my embroidery done yet, and have had to set it aside to complete other Autumn Jubilee projects for this weekend and early next week.  Being ill didn’t help!  But I hope to get this done during the Teacups QA hiatus over the holidays.  Here’s the pattern download – TeacupsQABlk15

EQ8 has been invaluable with this quilt along, as many of the blocks were designed using it.   So, today is the perfect day for the Electric Quilt giveaway – a special 25% off code for a lucky winner to purchase anything they like, including EQ8!  The code will be good for one order of whatever size.  On EQ8, this is a value of $59!!

Leave a comment below, then click on the Rafflecopter picture below to enter the drawing.  Have you ever used design software?  Would you like to?

29 thoughts on “Teacups Quilt Along – Block 15

  1. s5821140gmailcom

    i would love to try and use software for quilt design, so far it’s been out of my price range but you never know!!! the fabric you chose for the lates tea cup is stunning!

  2. Janice Snell

    Cute teacup.

    I have only used design software once before with a fellow quilter. I will not be doing that again as I found it a black hole and spent endless hours. I decided I would rather be quilting!

  3. Cheryl Buchanan

    I have not used designer software, but once I saw one in a consignment shop. Wish I had snagged it because when I went back it was gone. So close!

  4. Judy Sanders

    Elaine and I always look forward to autumn Jubilee. Have enjoyed the batting I won last year.

    thanks for all you do for us.

  5. Hi Carole! Oh, fussy cutting that fabric with the geese flying off like that was a fabulous idea. I know a few people who would love that teacup. Plus, simplifying the pattern in EQ8 is so nice of you. Thank you for the inspiration! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Heather

    I’ve never used EQ software, it I can imagine all of the possibilities of recoloring, resizing and redesigning all kinds of projects!

  7. Loris Mills

    The fabrics you have chosen for these tea cups are so beautiful. I enjoy my tea everyday in beautiful porcelain china…boy, do I have trouble spelling porcelain…I have to look it up every time! LOL I have used EQ only a tiny bit as some came with my ancient embroidery software. I would love to use the newer versions.

  8. Donna W

    I have EQ8, but do not use it enough. EQ8 has lots of things I would like to get, so I know that this coupon would go to go use. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. Brenda Ackerman

    Hello Carole, I just love the material you chose for your tea cup and the way in which you fussy cut it is beautiful. I am playing catch up with the blocks, I somehow missed printing quite a few of them and am doing them now. I do not believe that an EQ system would be good for me. I waste enough time on the computer already. LOL. So, I will not join in on this give away drawing and let someone who really wants one have the opportunity to win. Have a great day!

  10. jean fletcher

    Seeing your fabrics for this block reminds me to think of using the oriental fabrics that I bought a few years ago. Now where is it hiding?

  11. stephzw

    I have had EQ7 and the computer crashed, I have not reinstalled it because the license is out. I started with EA5 so have had a lot of iterations. I like EQ

  12. Judyk

    I played with a friend’s EQ, a very early version. I didn’t have time to learn how to really use it. I sometimes think I need it as I am always changing patterns up and graph paper is somewhat limiting.

  13. I have never used software but sure would love to. This is the sweetest teacup! Thanks for the block.
    Sure am looking forward to seeing all the goodies in Autumn Jubilee

  14. I love this cup for this month, it happens that a friend has a little piece that will fit right in with this block. Oriental and I am excited to get the material gathered and hopefully get back to the Teacups asap. Yes, I have had to stop for a bit due to health related issues and busy times.

  15. Sherri Bailey

    I have not had the privilege to try the EQ8 software but everything I have read about it makes me want it. I would love to be able to design my own patterns. At the moment it is out of my budget but I am hoping to get it sometime.

  16. Elizabeth Kelbaugh

    Love the fussy cut on your teacup. The teacup will make a great mug rug if not on a quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  17. dezertsuz

    What a great block to begin my catch up from being gone all week! The fabric is lovely, the cup is graceful, and the tilt adds a little something unexpected. Thank you!

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