Finishing the Project for National Quilting Day

On to the finish, the final part of the project was to add the completed flowers to the base. I wanted these to be as dimensional as the leaves. I placed the flower on the base at the end of the stem and pinned the center. Then to see how it would look, I lifted the petals and pinned only the tips down. 

Then I pinned down the other two flowers on their stems.

Folding back the petals, I stitched only around the center underside, leaving most of the petal free.

Continuing around the center in a kind of squared off circle, the center section of the flower is anchored to the base.

On one flower, the stem end would be visible under this petal, so I had to stitch it down completely.

Then, I lifted each petal and stitched only the very tip so it would stay in an arc over the base.

Continuing this idea, some petals had a small line of stitches, while others got only a single point. I did this the same way I did the leaf tips.

A day of football games to stitch by, and it was done. The petal at the very top, pointing up is not stitched at all at the tip, which allows it to come off the base over the top.

Here is a closeup view of one of the flowers.

And one more.

Last thing was to do a label. I stitched out the wording on my embroidery machine. It says Winter Amaryllis / Inspired by Page 42 / Southern Living / Magazine / Issue December 2022 / Carole Carter / Mountain Home, NC / 2024.

As a reminder, here is the inspiration page from the magazine so you can compare the image with what I did.

When I started this, I didn’t have any plans to do anything with it other than the National Quilting Day challenge exhibit. But I am so pleased with how it turned out, I might enter it into our May guild show. 

What do you think?

57 thoughts on “Finishing the Project for National Quilting Day

  1. Diana DeWitt

    I think it’s wonderful, Carole, and yes, enter it into the show in May. I’m thinking of doing the same thing with mine. I’m still stitching on mine, but getting close to quilting. This has been a fun challenge and I’m anxious to see what other people have done.

  2. rita75213

    Carole !
    This is absolutely beautiful !!
    You need to enter it wherever you can !!🤣
    The fabric for the flowers brings it alive !

  3. Patty Brenner

    Wonderfully executed, I love the dimension in it! And I agree with the others: you should definitely enter it in your guild show too!

  4. Sarah

    That is beautiful! The dimensional piecing and attachment are so realistic! I agree-you should enter this one wherever you can. It is a sure winner!

  5. I have really enjoyed seeing your process and how those details have come to life in this project. Every step you took was so nicely explained in your blog posts and is inspiring. The attachment of the petals at the final step is the perfect finish. I love your label!

  6. Dot

    I love your quilt! I’m wondering whether the magazine you were given had been “curated” by the challenge organizers, so page 42 would be an interesting subject? It would be difficult if page 42 was just a page of text.

  7. yoyopattycakeshotmailcom

    That was a challenge! You did a wonderful job and ended with a beautiful wall hanging. The flowers turned out so pretty and realistic. Well done!

  8. Myrna

    Wow. So fun when there are no plans, and then the plan turns out so wonderful. Will be watching for the ribbons.

  9. lois92346

    Simply GORGEOUS, Carole! You never fail to impress me. I don’t know how you are so good at so MANY things!

  10. Joan Sheppard

    Amazing! You really outdid yourself! And the lable is a work of art and such a story to tell. I really need to be reminded to put labels on things. Thanks!!!!!

  11. Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts

    Carole, your quilt is gorgeous! I really love the 3-D effect you’ve achieved. What a fun challenge – to make something that’s inspired by the magazine page. Great finish!

  12. Connie S Wolfe

    Enter it! Your piece is amazing!, I enjoyed reading both your thought process and how you did the work to make the picture in your mind come to life. Thanks for sharing this.
    Connie W.

  13. jrp53

    It would be a winner in any show! The dimensional aspect adds to a beautiful interpretation of the “assignment” and makes for a keeper project!

  14. Shanna Bauer

    Absolutely love how this turned out! Definitely enter it into the May Guild show. You have amazing talent. God Bless you Respectfully, Shanna Bauer

  15. Sandra

    It turned out absolutely amazing! So striking. The dimensional aspect adds so much. I think you should enter it any time there is an opportunity. Certainly is a winner in my eyes.

  16. s5821140gmailcom

    i absolutely LOVE it!!! so inspirational that you put it together 3d, if you ever get tired of it, you can send it to me and i will love it!

  17. Wow, Carole. You aced that challenge. It’s really beautiful. I love the fabric you chose — that red on red. It’s so subtle but has such dimension and quiet pop. It looks great with the blue, too.

  18. Juana

    Spectacular! You may be at the front end of a wave of 3D quilting, too. Thank you for the inspiration and eye candy!

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