A bit of this and that

I did manage to get a bit of sewing time this week to make a couple of sunglasses cases. My Sweet Babboo had taken me shopping for some extra pairs of sunglasses to keep in the cars. He doesn’t want to have to turn around every time I forget the ones I usually have with me, LOL! But of course, that meant I needed cases for the new ones, and I color coded them to the car colors. The red case goes in the MINI. They came in handy last night, as we did a huge MINI event. More on that later. The pattern for this case is on my pdf – Case Sets – which also includes the patterns for the cosmetic case and tissue cover that we have done for Safelight. We still do not have any timeline for the next Safelight project.

A stop at the market yielded some wonderful tomatoes. I’ve been craving a tomato pie, and these looked just right.

Yes, I had to plan ahead a bit, but it was worth the wait. Yum, this smelled so good!!

It was a meatless main night. Want this recipe? Here it is – Carole’s Tomato Pie

I got some happy mail recently, too. A lovely reader, Debbie E, sent me a wonderfully supportive and encouraging letter that really touched my heart. Thank you, Debbie. Then, blogger buddy Jeanie from Marmalade Gypsy sent me a set of her wonderful cards made from her art and photography. Check out her blog for her lovely art and photography, book reviews, and travel posts. I had sent her a phone case and this was her way of saying thank you. I think I got the better end of this deal!

On the reading front, I read a 500+ page fantasy novel from some years ago that was so gory and violent, I had to skip sections. I would have just stopped, but I kept hoping it would get better once the quest to find the missing wizard began. Now, I am in the middle of the Hunger Games trilogy. I have had these on my shelf for a bit, and while I wait for my next library hold to show up, these are filling the time. I wanted to see if the movies followed the books faithfully, and so far they have. These are young adult novels, so they go pretty quickly.

Back to the sewing room, I have a bunch of Asian print fabrics, and on a rainy day this week I got them out. I have no idea how to utilize these. There isn’t enough of any one to do a whole quilt, or even a table runner as mostly I have fat quarters. Fussy cutting will yield less, but cutting them up into small squares or making half-square triangles will lose the larger motifs. I need to combine the compatible prints with a solid to get enough fabric for a project. I have at least 7 different prints, at least that is what I pulled out. There may be more in the closet. Maybe another attic windows? Or maybe draw some ideas from another blogger buddy Mary Stori (The Inside Stori) as she does a lot of work with these kinds of things. Her Cranes in Flight is marvelous. So, stand and stare time. Inspiration was not coming.

After a while, I just gathered them up and put them away for another day. Then I loaded a blue top that I had earmarked for a Project Linus quilt. The blue blocks are left over from the Safelight quilt project that some readers sent in. Our local guild group will be doing some in a sew-in next meeting, and the leader has challenged us to have at least one done by the September meeting. I plan to do at least two, since I have an easy way to get them quilted. Just as I was ready to start quilting it, the rain picked up with thunder and lightening, and a short power outage. So, I decided to hold off starting the quilting.

Speaking to the the Landrum quilt group yesterday and teaching my To The Nines class was fun. I arrived early and set out a trunk show before the meeting. Then I presented my Scrap Dancing program.

The three hour class that followed had us sewing and chatting for most of the afternoon. When the gals had the first block done, I asked for a photo with their stars. From left, Jeanne, Laurie, Debbie, Chris and seated, Lynn. They learned some speed techniques and web assembly.

I took the last of of the tomato pie for lunch as it was something I could eat cold, and still be delicious. I had to take a picnic to the MINI event last night, and I didn’t want to have the same thing for both lunch and dinner.

I plan to have some sewing time next week, so hopefully I’ll get some progress on the blue, and a start on the next Project Linus quilt. Are you working on a project now?


C&T Publishing is having a 50% off sale on ebooks, now until midnight Saturday night, July 16.

Sulky Designer Days 30% off Designer Collections of Threads Sale! Plus free shipping on orders of $60. Sale ends Monday, July 18.

20 thoughts on “A bit of this and that

  1. Mary Stori

    Thank you for the shout out!! I giggled when you mentioned you packed up the Asian fabrics for another time. They can be challenging to work with….it’s taken me a long time to feel a bit more comfortable using them……so out of my own personal wheel house of design. Now that most of my prints with larger motifs have been used, I’m rechallenging myself to work with smaller prints…..first one just finished and I may warm to the challenge again soon.

  2. Rheanna

    Your tomato pie looks yummy! I will have to give it a try as we are always looking for new meatless meals.
    I am working on a donation quilt that a friend dropped off for me. It has been a bit awkward as she had someone else cut the fabric who is a sewer and not a quilter. Thankfully the blocks that were cut incorrectly were cut too big so they could be trimmed down.
    I enjoyed the Hunger Games Trilogy. There is also a prequel book called The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. It is also a quick read but not as good as the original trilogy in my opinion. Happy Reading!

  3. clara macuirles

    I would love to sew everyday but life gets in the way. I have a big garden and yard. In the summer, the garden and yard work cannot be put off. Then there is housework and laundry and I still do iron our clothes. Plus now we are remodeling our kitchen. I redesigned the kitchen and my husband is building all the cabinets……most summer days my energy level falls at about 3 o’clock…..I clean up and sit with a refreshing drink and scan my emails. I do love your site, Carole…..and aspire to all that you do. Talent to share with others is your gift.

  4. You have been busy, Carole. I admire your sewing and quilting skills, something I don’t have at all! I have baskets of fresh tomatoes
    from my garden…a tomato pie sounds great for tonight’s dinner!

  5. Joan Sheppard

    Mary’s Oriental quilt is really spectacular – and the close up photos in the “Gallery” show the intricate gold stitching so well! Swoon! Thanks, J

  6. The oriental Fabric is too beautiful to cut. Sounds like your days are full & busy. Bet it was great to do a guild meeting & class in person! After a 2 1/2 month break (for an unexpected medical issue), and only doing some minor activities in my sewing space (mostly cleaning), I’m heading to the sewing room to work on 2 store samples. It will be good to doing some sewing!

  7. I read the Hunger Games trilogy when I was still teaching, and my 5th graders were reading it. I really liked the books, but I think I only ever saw the first movie. Your tomato pie always looks so yummy – I need to put it on my list to make this summer. It would be so fun to take a class from you – lucky quilters!

  8. Sounds like you are keeping busy. I do need to make new glasses cases for both of our cars for both of us. I have 2 pair of prescription sunglasses and keep one in each car, but something color coordinated sounds like fun. I had about 30 of your “hurricane” blocks out and on the table a week or so ago and couldn’t agree with my own self about layout, so back in the project box they went., I put together a “Pat Sloan Traffic Jam” from another project box, and now it is in line for quilting (HAHAHAHA). Now I am playing with my Crumb blocks. Only have 102 of them to play with. 🙂

  9. lois92346

    Mary Story’s “Cranes in Flight” quilt is stunning! I hope to see what you end up doing with your Asian prints. Your tomato pie looks delicious, Carole. I think I’ll be trying the alternate version with bacon and white onion first. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Sue Hoover

    I read and enjoyed the Hunger Games trilogy before the movies were made. They were fun to watch and see how closely they followed the books. What a great idea — color-coded sunglasses cases: matched to the vehicles they belong!

  11. Candy

    I also have a collection of Asian prints that I was collecting some years ago, for some long forgotten project. I recently pulled one out and used it for the center of a quilt back, adding coordinating fabrics around it. I’m really pleased with the result and will do this again. Beautiful fabric used up, without cutting up the larger print.

  12. Michele Bretz

    Suggest the oriental prints be used as a wide border or as the back of a quilt containing the same colors. I will not be doing any sewing or anything with my right hand for 4-6 weeks because of my surgery on Wednesday.

  13. Enjoyed your this and that post Carole! The Hunger Games makes for a decent summer read. We picked up the movies at a garage sale, and I think the books explain a lot more, especially in the final. It has been HOT 🥵 here, so hard to get motivated past what must be done; the wedding for July 30. I am on to bridesmaid no. 3 now, ready to close the bodice and deal with the hems. The bride has lost weight so I need to pull in her waistline now, and finish her bodice, then have her stand for her hem. I want to be finished this weekend because the heat will be even worse next week!

  14. Carole, making the glass cases in colors to match the cars is brilliant. I always have extra sunglasses (I get cheapies at Dollar Tree) and put them everywhere. Because they are cheapies and not script or pricey, I don’t feel too bad if I lose or sit on them! Seems we always forget the ones we love most!

    Thanks for the shout out. I’m loving my phone case and because it’s so pretty and bright, I haven’t lost my black phone since — I keep them together! Loving your beautiful quilts and those Asian fabrics along with the beautiful blue and white. And the tomato pie looks fabulous!

  15. Helen Glover

    I too have a great collection of oriental prints which I love. Just today I think I’ve found a pattern for them. In the latest Quilter’s World magazine a quilt called Cozy Corner brought them to mind. It is an easy rectangular block pattern which will be quick and fun to put together and will get those orientals used up. You may want to check it out also. Just thought I’d mention this. Tomato pie is the best, next to a ‘mater sandwich! Thanks for your great blog! Always love your posts.

  16. Julie

    Yum, home grown tomatoes are making their appearance at the farmer’s market. I love a tomato sandwich on some substantial white bread. It’s the only time I eat white bread. Your attic window idea looks like a possibility for the Asian prints. Is there enough fabric in 5 fqs? With the variety in backgrounds it could look like the passage of a day from pre-dawn to night.

  17. The tomato pie looks great…….. Nothing worse then forgetting your sunnies so you will be right now…….. I’ve been sewing some churn dash blocks……

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