Black Bean Garlic Pot Roast

Having fun with sew days and virtual retreats sometimes means firing up the slow cooker to have a hot meal at the end of the day. I’ve talked about Asian influences in food before, and I really like the Black Bean Garlic Sauce I found in the Asian foods aisle at the grocery store. It is packed with flavor!

I’ve used it before in a ground pork dish served on noodles (Black Bean Noodles with Pork and Mushrooms) and thought it would hold up well as a sauce on beef for the slow cooker. So, I began with a pot roast and spread about three tablespoons of the sauce over one side.

In the 4-quart slow cooker, I sprayed the slow cooker with cooking spray, and then put a layer of sliced onions to provide a base to place the roast.

I put the roast in next, with the sauce side down.

Then, the top of the roast is coated with another three tablespoons of the black bean garlic sauce. I did not add any other seasoning. I did add a half cup of water in the bottom just to start it off.

Cover on, cooked on low for 7 hours, while I happily sewed and chatted with friends on Zoom.

Yum, it was delicious! The thick sauce makes a nice topping that stayed on the top. I made a quick rice dish for My Sweet Babboo, plus a salad for both of us.

Moist and tender, packed with flavor, and easy!

What is your go-to meal for the slow cooker?

21 thoughts on “Black Bean Garlic Pot Roast

  1. Mine is pot roast and then using the broth to make us a nice gravy…
    That black bean sauce sounds yummy–is it real garlicky? I like a bit of garlic, but not too much…hugs, Julierose

  2. Brenda @ Songbird Designs

    I will definitely look for some of that black bean garlic sauce next time I shop! Sounds yummy! Roast is also our favorite crockpot meal, but I usually brown the roast in a skillet well on both sides after flavoring with some worcestershire, granulated garlic, salt and pepper, then put in the crockpot and pour a can of cream of chicken soup (hubby doesn’t like mushroom!) on top, cover it and cook low for about 7-8 hours. So tender and makes the best “gravy!”

  3. I love a pot roast in the crock pot. When I was a “working mom” I would shop carefully for roast that would fit my crockpot “frozen”! I’d throw all the ingredients in at 5:30 am, turn it on, and leave for work, and come home to dinner. I loved using the leftovers for soup the next day.

  4. Linda B

    So appreciate complex sauces like that with lots of flavor to add to a dish. Your pot roast sounds wonderful! Love salsas for that reason. Sadly have not used the crockpot or instapot for some time.. I tend to make large portions of whatever we’re eating and freezing the leftovers and make those our easy meals when no time to cook. 30 minutes at 200 degrees in the oven usually works freezer to table for an individual serving for us. And nice that the plate is hot too on these cold days! 12 degrees here this morning!

  5. kathyinozarks

    sounds delicious, I do love a beef roast in the slow cooker but I have in the past made enchiladas, stuffed peppers that turn out really good

  6. Yumm. This sounds so good. I love crockpot dishes and this one is a must for me to make. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. I’ve seen this sauce in the store before, but haven’t ever tried it. I will definitely be buying some very soon.

  7. That looks really yummy. I often wonder what all these sauces are for. I will try to remember to see if my store carries this. I took a blogging break but am back now. Hope you are very well.

  8. Kathleen Kingsbury

    Oh yum! This sauce is going on my shopping list. I’ve never heard of it but I love black beans. Must include a pot roast on the list too. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Sharon Vrooman

    I use my crock pot almost 4 days out of the week during the winter. Soups, stews, roasts and even deserts (coca cola chocolate cake to die for).

  10. Our crock pot does duty for potato soup, Chile, and making shredded barbecue beef or pork, and green Chile beef for burritos.😊 That black bean garlic sauce sounds yummy!

  11. thedarlingdogwood

    This looks delicious! I use my slow cooker all the time. Lots of soups, I also do several different roast pork dishes. I want to try this recipe–will need to get to the Asian market first.

  12. Susan Nixon

    The meat looks so tender! I’m not a fan of black beans, but slow cookers are wonderful things – and instant pots, too.

  13. Jane Cisneros

    This was so delicious and is a new family favorite! Love the Black Bean Garlic Sauce and plan to try it on other meats. The roast was so good and smelled amazing all day long. We served it with risotto, corn and rolls. Thanks for the recipe!

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