Thrifting Scores for April

The thrift stores yielded only a few good items over the past couple of months, but they are treasures!  I need more tops to wear with jeans and shorts, as most of my wardrobe is still work wear and a bit too much for casual days.  This French inspired top was cute and fit nicely.  It does have a bit of bling, which suits my sparkly side.  I got it the same day as the shoes.

Thrift Scores at

I almost never find shoes at the thrift store as I have a little foot, size 5-1/2.  When I spotted these beauties – never worn!! – I had to try them on.  The soles still had the unscuffed sticker on them from the original store, which is how I know they’ve not been worn.  I sprayed the insides with Lysol anyway just for my peace of mind.  They are just so cute, and have low heels about 2 inches.  They will be great for holiday wear, and they fit!  This day all shoes were 50% off, so I brought them home for just $3.

Thrift Scores at

Just last week, I picked up this French coffee press so I can make just one cup of decaf coffee for after dinner. I have wanted one for some time, and patience finally paid off.  The little pots were just 25¢ and I have a crafting idea for them coming soon.

Thrift Scores at

I ran across these at my favorite online thrift store also known as ebay.  I couldn’t resist the rooster motif, and I did want some deep bowls for soup in winter and ice cream for summer.  DH tried one for his cereal, but he prefers the everyday stoneware ones for his breakfast.

Thrift Scores at

Then, I ran across these Japanese bowls that go with the red and black pieces I got last year.  You’ll see these soon serving a new recipe that I’ve been working on.

Thrift Scores at

Or should I say a new recipe I am obsessed with, LOL!!  I’ve made it four times now, and will do it again soon.  It will be added to the regular rotation as it is ridiculously easy and delicious, and goes from start to finish in about 15 minutes.

Have you found any good bargains lately?

Sharing at Vintage Charm.

24 thoughts on “Thrifting Scores for April

  1. Love your bargains! I just bought a pair of Nina shoes on clearance to wear to my daughter’s wedding. I have had that brand before and they are always very comfortable.

  2. karenfae

    if I had decent thrift stores here I would look but a lot of what they have in clothing and in dishes etc is not worth buying – nothing like the thrift stores that I have seen where my daughter lives in WI or in the city of Little Rock I have gotten so out of the habit of even looking anymore. But then I need to reorganize my cupboards and closets again and get rid of my excess of stuff so I do not need more. I don’t do the extensive decorating and table decorating that you do

  3. Mary Stori

    Its’ encouraging to see what can be found in thrift stores…..funny….I donate a lot to various organizations in our area but have yet to enter a single store to purchase anything. Now I see what I’m missing out on….though honestly………I’ve been tending more toward desalting than adding!

  4. I love thrifting. Those shoes are amazing! This is crazy, but yesterday my husband & I took a load to the city dump in our utility trailer to help my son who is remodeling his basement. As I’m hoisting crap out & holding my breath from the stench, I look down & in a beat up cardboard box there were about 5 fat quarters! Can you believe it? I came home, washed them in soap & vinegar…good to go! That was a first.

  5. Tami Von Zalez

    It has been relatively quiet on the thrifting front with the exception of a Talbots cashmere sweater, grey with hearts *love* for $12.
    I also have a needlepoint that matches your rooster bowls.

  6. Brenda Ackerman

    Hello Carole, I am so happy for you on your great finds! We have not been thrifting at all in quite some time. Mainly due to the fact that we knew we were going to be moving and that meant getting rid of items, so who wants to buy more items to move in their place. LOL. I really want to decorate my kitchen in a Rooster theme so I hope I can find some lovely dishes like your bowls when I begin looking. No hurry though, just a casual redecorate. Thank you for sharing all of your great finds and I know I always look forward to anything you mention you are going to be sharing. Have a fantastic day!

  7. Super cute shirt, Carole! And you got me with the Japanese miso bowls! Beautiful. Looking forward to your recipe. I’ve been mainly doing the donating at the thrift store recently. I am looking for a lamp, but like you, being patient for the right one.

  8. Wonderful finds….I’ve found a couple of nearly new Coldwater Creek jackets that I just love—only 3.79 each at the nearest Goodwill, but no earth-shattering home/kitchen finds. I am sooooo curious about this new recipe you seem to be moderately obsessed with….lol. If you’ve made it 4 times recently then it MUST be a keeper. Please share soon.(ps…..I’m envious of the French Press….it’s so cute….)

  9. Pat S.

    We love supporting our local charities by donating to and buying in their thrift stores. Love your new blue shoes…they glow!!

  10. Our grandsons love to go to thrift stores, and I enjoy going with them. For several months I looked for a French coffee press. When one did not magically appear, I changed tactics and got something else. I love seeing the things you bring home. For a while I envied you your special thrift store, but then I realized it was you discerning eye that I should be envying.

  11. Gertraud Bell

    Funny that you should talk about thrift store finds on the very day I arrived home with a few purchases myself. I found six hand embroidered linen placemat with matching table centrepiece and three hand embroidered green placemats. It was a shame that there were only three, but they’re so pretty that I wasn’t going to leave them behind.

  12. Melanie

    I haven’t done much thrifting lately, but my sister just flew in to visit from FL and we will try to do a little hunting while she’s here. She loves it as much as I do, and hunting treasures away from home is always fun! LOL Wow, the shoes were a great find, Carole. So pretty and a fabulous price!

  13. dezertsuz

    I haven’t even found time to look! Your finds are amazing, though. I’m looking forward to that recipe in a bowl. =) The shoes – oh, wow, New Nina for $3? That’s right next to stealing them!

  14. Ann Becker

    I love thrift shopping better that regular shopping. I feel so smart to score a bargain and know that I helped support someone local. I find all sorts of treasures. I always a have something in mind so I don’t overbuy. Right now I am on the lookout for a small round table to fit between my fireside chairs…Oh the fun I am having. I love those shoes. Wish I could find shoes but alas my foot size is long and skinny. I have never ever been able to find shoes to fit in a thrift store. You are one lucky gal…

  15. Claire

    Carole – what great finds!!! We oughta try going thrifting together sometime!!! I love Thrifting!!! Found a beautiful periwinkle long sleeve t-shirt the other day down at the Humane on Greenville Highway the other day – love that shop. Which good one am I missing? Claire

  16. Funny– I have those shoes in black! They’re quite comfortable with just enough sparkle. I mostly buy tableware when I stroll through antique malls and thrift stores. Thanks for visiting and leaving your comments.

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