Embroidered Stars Quilt and more quilting

The stars and bars design on this next Quilt of Valor was interesting and a wonderful way to use up scraps, but I had a moment of pause when I realized the bar of stars on the left side vertical panel was embroidered.  I have not worked with this type of fabric on the longarm before.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

Have you seen this embroidered star fabric in the stores? I have recently, and would not have thought of using it on a quilt as it is heavier than the standard quilting cotton, and the stars are heavily embroidered with a substantial thread build up.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

I decided to use red thread as the majority of the top was red, plus the back was a red fabric with stars.  I liked this backing print so much, I got some at the local fabric store for my patriotic quilt, more on that in a minute.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

I was really apprehensive about quilting this one, would the hopping foot get caught in all that thread?  As it turned out, it did fine.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

The stitches looked fine too, the difference in weight between this fabric and the cottons didn’t have an effect on them.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

I used the pantograph that appears as clouds called Halcyon from Willow Leaf.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

The red thread looks great on the navy.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

And it adds some interest to the plain white background fabric.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

It lets the stars shine.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

All done, the quilting provides a nice texture to the overall quilt.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

Stars on bars, the asymmetrical design is really nice.  One more close view of the stitching and piecing.

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

The Fat Quarter Shop Classic and Vintage quilt along is coming soon!  It won’t be long now until I can show you.  I did mine in patriotic colors, and quilted it with the same Halcyon pantograph.  See the red star print?  It was the perfect choice.  Batting is Warm and Natural on both quilts.

Secret Project for FQS at From My Carolina Home

I’ve got it bound now too, hand stitching is nice while watching football games.  It was fun to do this classic and vintage design.  The big reveal is scheduled for December 8th on the Fat Quarter Shop blog, Jolly Jabber.

Classic and Vintage at From My Carolina Home

More quilting coming up! I have a new block design that we are using in patriotic colors for our Sew Days.  A few friends are coming over today to complete the quilt top we started last time with a wonderful lunch I’ll share soon.  On Sunday, we’ll start a very fast quilt along using the block in Christmas colors for a table runner.  It will finish in just three weeks.  Then, on December 1st,  Moda begins their Countdown to Christmas quilt, with a sampler of 6-inch blocks. Mine is called Candy Twist and will be on December 10th on the Bake Shop blog, and I’ll show it here too.

What are you working on now?

Quilt of Valor at From My Carolina Home

9 thoughts on “Embroidered Stars Quilt and more quilting

  1. Very pretty quilt! I love all the patriotic designs. I had thought I might crochet some items for Christmas gifts, but I just don’t think I will be able to do many. Maybe for one gift. The rest is all cards and tags, although I bet I already have enough Christmas cards.

  2. Sue H

    I am currently working on a Linus Project quilt, sewing down the binding. I’m also just about finished with the first of a pair of socks that I’m knitting for a Christmas present and I’ve got some 1-1/2″ strips ready to sew up into 9 patches for Bonnie Hunter’s On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt. Have a terrific Wednesday, Carole!

  3. Monica Kostak

    What a beautiful quilt. Look forward to the upcoming sew alongs. Working on our financials for our cut off- in the office reading this on my lunch, but AT HOME I’m working on a few more Christmas gifts I’m sewing/quilting. Will be taking some vacation days to accomplish this-starting tomorrow. Can’t wait. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Brenda Ackerman

    Hello Carole; This is a very pretty Quilt of Valor quilt and your quilting just adds to that beauty. I really like the threads and the pattern that you chose. I have my Dads two quilts to get pinned and quilted, plus three other quilts that are block of the week or month and they are quickly coming to a close. After these blocks are sewn into tops or maybe I will do them all as quilt as you go methods, Deanna and I have quite a few quilt tops for Project Linus and gifts to pin and quilt before the new year begins. I am just having a hard time, but moving on also. Thank you for sharing and have a great day!

  5. gwynette thacker

    I’m making three Swing Bags and hoping to have time to do/start Bonnie Hunter’s On Ringo Lake mystery. We lived near there for a summer with Husband’s job.

  6. dezertsuz

    That’s a fabulous quilt. I like how each of your decisions turned out to be just right for this quilt. Thanks for the Christmas round-up of things coming.

    On my blog, I’ve challenged people to make a block Mon-Sat every day during Advent and then use the blocks in a charity quilt put together the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. The Moda would be a perfect way to do that, or their Blockheads designs, too. I’m hoping that some, at least, will go to American Heroes, but wherever they go, it will be a plus for someone!

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