Slow Stitching Sunday #5

Updating the ornaments, I got a a bit more done during the week.  Panthers are doing really well, and I stayed up way too late last week watching that game. I did finish the sewing machine stitching.

Slow Stitching Week 5 - Sew Machine

The little scissors gave me a fit, the metallic threads kept making knot and loops. But I got this far.

Slow Stitching Week 5 - scissors

Lastly, I started a little bit of the thimble, using up the yellow and green left in the needle.

Slow Stitching Week 5 - thimble

That’s it for stitching this week. I hope to get a bit further today.  I have a total of four ornaments completely stitched, and five in progress.  Once all the stitching is done, then I will have to sew and stuff the ornaments.  There is fog in the valley this morning, with rain lightly falling and the view is stunning!  The far ridge is completely obscured by the clouds moving in, and the layers are easier to see with fog between.  I have more pics to show you from our drive yesterday, and I’ll get those up next week.  Peak color has come to our elevation, it is just an explosion of color right now, even in the rain.

November 1 Valley fog 2015 - 3

There is one more football game than usual today (five instead of four!), and there is a Formula 1 auto race to fit in today too. It is November, which means the Halloween decorations get packed up today, and my turkeys come out to play while the games are on.   Panthers play on Monday night.  Go Panthers!!

Linking up again with Slow Sunday Stitching, in the hope that it will continue to give me an incentive to post and link up weekly progress and finish these ornaments this year –
Slow Sunday Stitching

19 thoughts on “Slow Stitching Sunday #5

  1. Yep, I continue to be enchanted by your beautiful ornaments. The little sewing machine is perfect, and I love the scissors!! Your fall foliage colors are beautiful . . . I love driving the back country roads during this time of year! And I sneaked a peek at yesterday’s post, too — the quilted table topper is just darling!! What a fun way to do breakfast on Halloween morning!! 🙂

  2. I think your ornaments are so cute! I truly am glad that you are sharing them. I was able to get a charity quilt, quilted and the binding sewn on. Plus, I was able to get a few more stitching done on my present embroidery project. One of the ladies in our group does needle turn applique and I asked her opinion on doing hand stitching around a iron on stabilized applique piece. I was really worried that they would fray and not hold down well. She said that with the way my stitches are just enough tiny and held tight that they would work marvelously. So, I have got to get busy on all of these also. They are for a Double Wedding Ring quilt for my daughter’s Godmother’s granddaughter. Try saying that three times really fast. LOL. I also got the Scrap Dance up on the wall to be spray basted and pinned….but I got it on the wall!!! I hope that you enjoy all of your games today and setting out new decorations! Have a wonderful creative day!

  3. What I really like about this series and the concept behind it is that if you do even a little bit of a project on a regular basis, progress is made. I’m enjoying how your ornaments are coming together.

  4. The ornaments are looking great. I love that sewing machine. Sometimes those metallic threads are very frustrating. I am enjoying the ornament updates.

  5. Barbara Jenkins

    Your ornaments will be so lovely when they hang on your tree.
    And I must back my Patriots as I’m in New England.
    Our spectacular foliage has all gone by now and we are looking at a few oak leaves that just seem to hang on until spring. It was a great year for the leaf peepers…

  6. Your sewing machine is just so sweet! You really captured the quirky nostalgia they have. The landscape looks so inspiring, I love misty, foggy mornings at this time of year.

  7. Carole, these pieces are just beautiful.. you in inspire me to do more. I’ve got a question.. I’m about to start a crib quilt of enbroidered blocks. I eanred to use the DMC #5 perle cotton.. do you use it? Should I wind it in a a ball orcut to lengths or wind it on the little cards..

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